
Brazilian citizen arrested after being caught with drugs at Otopeni Airport

Following the control carried out using an X-ray body scanner equipped by the Border Police, several unusual formations were observed inside the defendant’s abdomen, which do not correspond to human anatomy. Consequently, the defendant was taken to a hospital unit, where, during his hospitalization, he removed a number of 62 capsules, containing approximately 350 grams of a powdery substance (currently undergoing expert examination).

Yesterday, the judge of rights and freedoms of the Bucharest Court ordered the preventive arrest of the defendant for a period of 30 days, as he is being investigated for committing the crimes of international high-risk drug trafficking and domestic high-risk drug trafficking.

The activities were carried out by border police officers from the Bucharest-Otopeni Airport Border Crossing Surveillance and Control Center, under the coordination of prosecutors from the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism Offenses – Central Structure, together with police officers from the Ilfov Organized Crime Combating Service and with the support of police officers from the Bucharest Regional Transport Police Department.