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Cocaine found on the seabed in the Gulf of Gdańsk

Officers of the Polish Border Guard Maritime Unit have dismantled an organized crime group involved in smuggling significant amounts of drugs. They secured over 100 kg of cocaine, which could have reached a black market value of approximately to 14 million Euro. Seven people have been detained in the case.

The investigation was initiated by the Pomeranian Branch of the Department for Organized Crime and Corruption of the National Prosecutor’s Office in Gdańsk, entrusting it to officers of the Operational and Investigative Department of the Maritime Division of the Border Guard.

The dismantling of such a large drug trafficking gang Poland is the result of a coordinated action by officers of the Maritime Unit of the Border Guard, international partners under the auspices of Europol and the DEA and the supervision of the National Prosecutor’s Office.

The disclosed crime was related to activities carried out by MOSG officers as part of activities related to the protection of critical infrastructure, which ultimately led to the disclosure of the crime, identification and arrest of the perpetrators. Narcotic substances were taken from the seabed in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Operations carried out simultaneously at multiple locations of group members led to the securing evidence of the committed crime, including further significant amounts of drugs.

The detainees were charged with participation in an organized criminal group, introducing significant amounts of drugs into circulation, and their import into the territory of the Republic of Poland, which is punishable by imprisonment from 3 to 20 years. With respect to four key members of the group, the District Court of Gdańsk Południe in Gdańsk, at the request of the National Prosecutor’s Office, applied preventive measures in the form of temporary arrest for a period of three months.