Live Webinar: Land Border Security Technology Workshop

Tuesday 2nd July
9am EST / 2pm UK / 3pm CET

When we talk about the future of land border technology most people probably have in mind the so-called ‘smart wall’ where systems such as radar, seismic sensors, fibre optics, cameras, aerostats and drones, with communications and databases linked in one seamless super-efficient system.

One problem with this scenario is that many if not most border agencies worldwide, already operate a wide variety of legacy surveillance systems which may have their own operating systems that do not necessarily talk to other systems in their surveillance environment. Nor do they wish to replace systems that represent a considerable investment.

Another problem is new and emerging technologies that allow bad actors to exploit new weaknesses in border security, such as drones and signal jamming.

So, how do you create a border security environment that makes the best of the systems you already have but judiciously adds layers of technology that allow you to enhance your current border security system.

In this technology workshop, we will talk to some of the world’s leading border technology companies, and they will share their expertise and answer your questions, whilst we explore how we can enhance our border security, to meet old and new challenges, without reinventing the wheel!


  • Chris Abraham, VP of Marketing, CRFS
  • Dr. David Hill, Chief Technology Officer, Sintela
  • Tony Kingham, Editor, Border Security Report