Nearly 32 kg of marijuana was found at the Bulgarian, Kapitan Andreevo BCP
Nearly 32 kg of marijuana were found during joint inspections by inspectors of the National Customs Agency, DG “Combating Organized Crime” and DG “Border Police”.
In one of the cases, over BGN 340,000 worth of marijuana was found by inspectors of the National Customs Agency and employees of the DG “Combating Organized Crime” during an inspection of a truck leaving the country.
On 24.12.2024 at the Kapitan Andreevo BCP, an OPEL COMBO brand truck, driven by a Bulgarian citizen, who is traveling alone from Bulgaria to Turkey, arrives. The vehicle has been selected for a thorough customs inspection. In the course of the control actions, after disassembling an additionally placed metal plate on the floor of the cargo room, it was established that 38 packets of green grassy mass were hidden in the factory cavities. A field drug test was performed, which showed a reaction to marijuana. The packages with a total gross weight of 21,800 kg, worth BGN 348,800 at prices for the needs of the court proceedings, have been detained. The driver of the car was also detained.
During the subsequent procedural-investigative actions in an underground garage in Plovdiv, used by the truck driver, two more transparent packages with identical contents with a total gross weight of 1,095 kg were found.
The other case is from 23.12.2024, when at 10.11 p.m. a passenger car with Bulgarian registration arrived at the checkpoint. The driver and his companion – Bulgarian citizens, from Turkey to Bulgaria – are traveling in the car. The car was selected for a joint inspection by customs officers and border police officers, during which 8 transparent polyethylene bags with green grassy mass were found in a cavity of the back of the driver’s seat and under the upholstery of the floor. In the field drug test, the reaction was marijuana. The packages with a total gross weight of 8,970 kg, worth BGN 143,520 at prices for the needs of the court proceedings, have been seized.
In the cases, pre-trial proceedings were initiated by investigative customs inspectors under the supervision of the Haskovo District Prosecutor’s Office.