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Seized cocaine at Fiumicino airport and discovered marijuana plantation in the capital

Italian Border officials have seized 3 kg of pure cocaine hidden inside about 200 wooden houses – products of Ecuadorian craftsmanship – arrived together with maracas and clothing tradition of the South American country to the Cargo City area of ​​Fiumicino airport.

The Fiamme Gialle of the Fiumicino Group found the drug during routine checks on incoming shipments, thanks to the sniffing of the drug dogs, which reported the load contained in the houses, inside which small recesses had been made in which they had been placed numerous plastic straws containing cocaine.

Subsequent investigations led to the identification of the actual recipients of the goods, two Italian citizens domiciled in the capital, whose search led to the discovery of 22 kg of marijuana, already packaged in cellophane bags and ready for retail sale. In the vicinity of the home of one of the suspects, a plantation with 48 marijuana plants was also found, set up in an illegally occupied public area, with the consequent seizure of an additional 24 kg of narcotic.

The drug found, if it had been introduced on the market, would have yielded a profit of hundreds of thousands of euros. The two subjects were arrested and placed at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor of Civitavecchia. The service is part of the broader device to combat illicit trafficking put in place by the Rome Finance Police.