Specialists are trained to perform tasks of air monitoring of the state border using Unmanned Aerial Systems
During the training, border guards study the purpose, capabilities and tactical and technical characteristics of MP-1 unmanned aerial vehicles “Spectator-M”. Also, much attention is paid to the study of the content of guiding documents on the organization and implementation of state aviation flights, the requirements of air navigation, meteorological and ornithological support of flights.

During the practical classes, the personnel acquire skills in developing and recording the route of the UAV flight, takeoff, flight along the route (monitoring of the state border and border infrastructure). In addition, the inspection of a certain area (search for violators or signs of illegal activity) and accompanying the identified violator, directing border patrol to him. As well as the effective resource management of all the capabilities of the Unmanned Aircraft Complex during the performance of various tasks (search, recognition, tracking of objects during aerial reconnaissance).