Human TraffickingNews

Twenty-seven Afghan and Pakistani citizens found hidden in car dealerships in Varsand and Nadlac

Border guards at the Vărşand Border Crossing Point carried out a thorough control on two road complexes, led by a Romanian and a Bulgarian citizen. The drivers were transporting metal products for companies in Denmark and the Netherlands, according to the accompanying documents.

Fifteen foreign nationals were found hidden inside the cargo compartments during the inspection .

During the preliminary checks, the border police established that they are citizens of Afghanistan and Pakistan, asylum seekers in our country.

Border guards from the Nădlac Border Crossing Point also found in two bus depots driven by a Romanian citizen, namely a Turkish citizen,  nine citizens of Afghanistan , aged between 16 and 26, asylum seekers in Romania.

At the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point , border guards were notified by the driver of a car dealership, which was carrying metal sheets for a company in France, about the sounds heard from the semi-trailer. Following the control, three Afghan citizens were discovered , seeking asylum in our country.